Management Companies

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Sherford Management Company Directory

Management company map


About Sherford’s Management Companies

As a relatively new town under development, often more than one organisation looks after parts of Sherford, or the responsibility shifts over time. When a housebuilder is working on a section of land, they are responsible for that area. When finished, it is transferred to a management company – and they become your point of contact.

Different management companies look after different areas of Sherford. FirstPort is responsible for the completed communal estate areas. These are in the process of being handed over now, and this process will continue over time as Sherford progresses.

Residential areas are split into parcels, each with a dedicated management company of either FirstPort, Gateway or Trinity. These parcel-specific management companies are responsible for the upkeep of the shared spaces within that residential parcel.

All residents get information about their management company when buying their home. Once an area has been handed over to a management company, they will contact you directly to provide all the information you need, including how to register as a customer, communicate with them, and receive your annual statement.

You will be asked to pay certain charges and the payments depend on the type of property you have. The three sets of fees are: an estate charges, a parcel specific payment, and a contribution to the Sherford Community Trust. Used for different purposes, they all benefit Sherford and help to make it an outstanding place to live.

What is Sherford Estate Management Company?

A legal entity of its own, Sherford Estate Management Company is responsible for the communal estate areas. The Directors – including representatives from the Sherford Consortium – have appointed FirstPort as the Managing Agent for the estate and public open spaces.

This agreement means FirstPort acts on behalf of Sherford Estate Management Company to carry out its obligations to oversee, maintain, and insure these areas. They also set, collect and allocate the service charge.






  • 0333 321 4021

Currently responsible for the school square land (off Hercules Road) and Parcel G park (between Tucana Walk and Pisces Street). The next areas to be handed over will be the playground (by Aquarius Drive) and the public open space at Ursa Gardens.



Until all estate areas have been handed over to FirstPort, Brookbanks can be contacted with queries or concerns regarding roads, street furniture and street lighting. Brookbanks is the Sherford Consortium’s appointed project management company, responsible for overseeing the construction and site management of Sherford, on behalf of the Consortium of house builders.




  • 0333 321 4021


  • 01702 443 555


  • 0345 345 1584