Work continues to progress across multiple areas of the site this month. In phases 3A&B, the archaeological investigations are entering their final phase and drawing to a close – and there will be some interesting findings to be shared soon. A milestone has been reached with the first roads in Area 3 now surfaced, with services due to be installed soon, and culvert access to Area 3 continues to advance.

Phase 1B is showing significant progress, with approximately 80% of housing parcels now complete. Several key areas in Phase 1.1 are being prepared for handover to managing agents, including the Skate Park, MUGA, playground/NEAP, Parcel O and Boundary Park.

The Bat House construction is nearing completion up in the Country Park, with cladding installation scheduled for next week. Looking ahead, work will begin on the Plymouth CP1 cycleway access, which will be installed over the coming months.